BIC’s Disability Rights Campaign partners with disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) to advocate to the World Bank and other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to ensure full access to project benefits for persons with disabilities. We work to systematically include disability in World Bank and other IFI operations so that the needs and rights of persons with disabilities are supported and fulfilled.
Disability Rights
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Latin America | Project
How will the IDB support construction of a metro line that is accessible for persons with...
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank promoting sustainable livelihoods for persons with disabilities in Lesotho?
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Latin America | Project
How could a new metro line lead to exclusion of persons with disabilities?
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Latin America | Project
How is the World Bank supporting Universal Accessibility in Peru?
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Asia | Project
How is Nepal including marginalized children and youth in its education system?
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Africa | Project
Do marginalized children in Lesotho benefit from a World Bank funded education project?
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Asia | Project
How will the Philippines COVID-19 project incorporate stakeholder engagement and marginalized...
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Latin America | Project
How can Peru make sure its most marginalized citizens get equal access to the justice system?
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Africa | Project
How can the World Bank make a water and sanitation project in Uganda disability inclusive?
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
Will an education program in Lebanon promote inclusion of refugees and children with disabilities?
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Africa | Project
How does a water and sanitation project impact marginalized groups?
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Asia | Project
How will an urban development project in the Philippines affect people with disabilities?
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Africa | Project
How is the African Development Bank addressing SEAH/GBV and other social and environmental...
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Latin America | Project
Is the World Bank incorporating universal access features and climate adaptability measures...
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Africa | Project
How does the design of a BRT project in Ghana incorporate inclusive design standards and measures...
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Africa | Project
How is the AfDB implementing the Integrated Safeguards System (ISS) in an agricultural project...
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank addressing SEA/H risk, stakeholder engagement, and disability inclusion...
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Asia | Project
Milking People and the Planet? What are the impacts of a dairy firm’s expansion on persons...
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Africa | Project
How is the Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road Project impacting marginalized groups?
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Latin America | Project
How is the World Bank responding to COVID-19 in Guatemala?
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Latin America | Project
How can the World Bank support the development of a socially and environmentally sustainable...
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Latin America | Project
How will a World Bank project promoting an agro-industrialization strategy benefit smallholder...
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank implementing stakeholder engagement and including marginalized groups...
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Related Updates
Why and how should MDBs invest in climate-resilient and inclusive...
January 07, 2025
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What were BIC’s main takeaways from the 2024 World Bank Spring Meetings?
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How are World Bank social protection projects including and supporting...
November 20, 2023
Related Resources
How Do World Bank Social Protection Projects Include and Support Marginalized Groups?
Why does the ADB need to address disability in its Safeguard Policy Statement?
Comments on the Draft Updated AfDB ISS from the Disability Community
Peru: Improving the Performance of Non-Criminal Justice Services Project
Disability World Bank Safeguard Revised Policy
Submission on Disability to the World Bank Safeguard Team
A Case Study on Lima’s “Metropolitano”: Five years fighting for accessibility
Is the World Bank Reaching out of School Children with Disabilities under ROSC II Project