The Abidjan Urban Transport Project (PTUA) aims to improve urban mobility in Abidjan by increasing capacity, safety, and efficiency of the road infrastructure. The project focuses on infrastructure development, traffic management, and capacity-building to accommodate the city's growing population and economic activities.
The AfDB provided a loan of EUR 329.47 million to the second phase of the Abidjan Urban Transport Project. The first phase of the project financed the construction of the 4th Abidjan Bridge connecting Yopougon to the Plateau in Abidjan. This second phase focuses on converting existing roadways to urban highways and increasing their capacity, including the Dabou and Adzopé roads. The project also includes developing the northern section of the Abidjan ring road, extending and splitting the Latrille boulevard, rehabilitating traffic lights of 90 intersections, and installing an intelligent traffic control system.